It was an unforgettable day for the children of the San Vicente de Paul home in Chiclayo and its director, Mrs. Augusta del Rosario Bado Moreno..
CHICLAYO, – Continuing with its mission to help others, especially children from the less favored areas of northern Peru, on January 29, the Lazos de Ayuda Foundation and the Hogar San Vicente de Paul shelter, represented by the director, Mrs. Augusta del Rosario Bado Moreno; they signed an agreement to donate the instruments destined to implement the 2019 Music Workshop. In the event, the children of the shelter and Mrs. Maritza Castro, president of the Lazos de Ayuda Foundation, participated. Chiclayo-Peru, which began teaching at the end of February. In the event, the children of the shelter participated and Mrs. Maritza Castro, president of the Lazos de Ayuda Foundation.
It should be noted that the implementation of the music workshop, aims to awaken the interest of children under 14 years, develop their talents, form good habits and discipline in the members.
The students will not only know the sounds of the instruments but they will be able to touch them, see them and listen to them. Attendees can acquire basic knowledge of musical components such as; the rhythm, the pulse, the timbre and varied melodies.
The workshop is in charge of the teacher Mario Joaquín Frias Mundaca Those who make this initiative possible have committed themselves to continue with the work of love in favor of the children of Chiclayo who enthusiastically take these classes. Information The music workshop is given at the San Vicente de Paul-Lambayeque Home
Address Calle Francisco Cabrera # 1283- Chiclayo-Chiclayo
Phone: 074-23664 / 940-254842 / 940-253-812.