Una Navidad llena de alegría y esperanza
Este domingo 15 de diciembre, los niños del Centro de Acogida Residencial (CAR) San Vicente...
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La Fundación Lazos de Ayuda visito el viernes 13 de Diciembre, el ALBERGUE ” SANTA MARÍA JOSEFA DEL CORAZÓN DE JESÚS “
La Fundación Lazos de Ayuda visito el viernes 13 de Diciembre, el ALBERGUE ” SANTA...
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Christmas in the hamlet of Totoras Incahuasi, Lambayeque Peru-December 14,2013
Christmas is the warmth that goes back to the hearts of people, the generosity of...
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Christmas Sharing in Peru
The “Lazos de Ayuda Foundation,” led from Atlanta, United States, by Mrs. Maritza Castro, once...
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lazos de ayuda implements early stimulation program in santa maria josefa shelter ferreñafe, peru
– Continuing with the hard work of benefiting the vulnerable children of the Santa Maria...
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Commemorating the 15th anniversary of Lazos de Ayuda
Commemorating the 15th anniversary of the creation of Lazos de Ayuda on April 30th, 2023,...
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music workshop generates a positive impact on children’s lives chiclayo, peru
Music can have a positive impact on human behavior, especially if it is part of...
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Children’s Shelter “Santa María Josefa” – Ferreñafe, Peru
The Lazos de Ayuda Foundation visited the abandoned children’s shelter on February 20th from Atlanta,...
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