Christmas Sharing in Peru

May 15, 2024

The “Lazos de Ayuda Foundation,” led from Atlanta, United States, by Mrs. Maritza Castro, once again brought joy and hope to dozens of children in Lambayeque. Despite the restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic, the representatives of the Lazos de Ayuda Foundation, Greece Cox and psychologist Fiorella Álamo Barsallo, accompanied by several volunteers, brought much love and surprises to children from three social assistance locations.

The journey began on December 11th at the San Juan Bosco Residential Reception Center located on the road to Pimentel, where the children received educational games, USB speakers, and other gifts. The most important aspect was the message of hope to a child population that requires sustained assistance to thrive.

Psychologist Fiorella Álamo mentioned having grown as a person since she began her work as a volunteer.

The next place visited was the Santa María Josefa de Jesús shelter in Ferreñafe. There, Lazos de Ayuda Foundation member Greece Cox offered words of encouragement to the children and pledged assistance to those who have experienced traumatic situations and abandonment. They also received hugs of love and educational gifts of all kinds. The joy and expressions of gratitude from the sheltered children were evident.

This year, the journey concluded at the San Vicente de Paul Residential Reception Center in Chiclayo. Lazos de Ayuda’s visit was an early Christmas. In the sharing of gifts and hugs, the spirit of Christmas Eve was felt. But there is still much work to be done in institutions that do not always have electricity and where living conditions can be improved with some electrical appliances that are already noted to become future gifts.

Through these visits of love, the Lazos de Ayuda Foundation aims to keep alive the hope that Christmas brings and emphasize that there is no greater happiness than sharing.

By Luis Miranda.