Workshop on spirituality and training in rules of coexistence. C.A.R. “Saint Vincent of Paul” Chiclayo Peru.

July 31, 2024

Christmas is a time of love, peace and sharing. Therefore, ‘The Lazos de Ayuda Foundation’ called for a great Christmas crusade.

On these December dates everything is light and color. Highlights the bustle of the trade, sales increase to double digits and the incessant search for gifts emerges.
This paraphernalia makes us forget the essence of Christmas, which is a celebration to “deliver” based on acts of love and detachment. Fortunately, there are philanthropic hands that voluntarily take charge of stoking the happiness of the less favored without expecting any retribution. This is how members of the Lazos de Ayuda Foundation, a non-profit organization that has been vigilant for the needs of underprivileged children living in the villages of Chiclayo, northern Peru, for ten years, made a significant Christmas share. Through of the realization of several events.
The infants of albergue Santa Maria Josefa Corazon de Jesus in Ferrenafe received toys, clothes and basic necessities.
The event was entertained by the clown Peluquin who traveled from Lima to bring with his peculiar grace and dynamism abundant entertainment to Peruvian children.
Part of the programs sponsored by the Lazos de Ayuda Foundation, directed and founded by Mrs. Maritza Castro -in February 2008- is to provide music classes to minors.
Thanks to these lessons, children learn not only art, improve their academic and physical skills, but also enhance skills such as discipline and good conduct. On this occasion, the closing of the second Piano Workshop was held, attended by dozens of children benefited from the C.A.R. Saint Vincent of Paul. Likewise, as part of the activities at the end of the year, a spirituality and training workshop was held on standards of coexistence and values aimed at school-age children. They were taught by Lic. Augusta del Rosario Bado Moreno, Lic. Silvia Elena Jara and Miss Psycologist Fiorella Alamo Barsallo at the Residential Care Center C.A.R. “San Vicente de Paul” Chiclayo – Peru.
“We are motivated by the love that goes beyond any obstacle and there is the hand of God, without effort only to have faith that everything will change with a little time,” said Maritza Castro, who distributed the gifts to the children of the Tayapampa Caserios And Murojaga in the district of Salas, three hours from Chiclayo, located in the eastern end of the province of Lambayeque, an area as far away as impoverished.
In the humanitarian work also participated as volunteers Mrs. Greece Osborne and her husband Richard Cox who traveled from Atlanta, to northern Peru to visit each shelter and contribute to this humanitarian work.
Lazos de Ayuda Foundation fulfills its mission of helping with educational programs in the academic formation of children who unfortunately live in extreme poverty.
Irene Diaz-Bazan