First Classroom Preparation Workshop, Uyurpampa, Incahuasi September- 2012

January 11, 2025

On November 4 Lazos de Ayuda Foundation, took the first step in fulfillment of the objective of creating classrooms technical workshops.

The first workshop classroom is located in Uyurpampa, Incahuasi District, Ferreñafe Province, Lambayeque, Peru. The Foundation in an educational agreement with the missionary Mothers of Jesus Verbo, we implemented the first workshop, with the donation of 10 new sewing machines, along with furniture and raw materials necessary for the learning and practicing the course of cutting and dressmaking. The enthusiasm was so impressive in the mothers of the population, that on their first day we had 22 mothers preregistered in the classroom workshop to undergo a subsequent qualification. In the delivery of the machines were present the mother in charge of the order in Uyurpampa, Mother Priscilla, as well as Justice of peace Evaristo Bernilla of the cross and settlers of the locality. The main objectives are to train the mothers technically, with a trade for free and to generate a source of decent employment in order to improve the critical situation in which they live. We continue on this path of social help, thinking that the best way to get closer to the improvements in living conditions of the neediest is through adequate training and education. “This is the beginning of a big project. May God bless you and continue to work for the poorest, who only ask for a chance” .