Donation of school supplies in the Caserio de Cartagena, in Morrope, Lambayeque, Peru-March 2012
The Peruvian district of Morrope is one of the twelve districts of the province of Lambayeque, located in the Department of Lambayeque, its capital is the town of Morrope,.
located on the right side of the new Pan-American Highway, 33.5 km. North of the city of Chiclayo and 32 M.a.s.l. Because it is located on the left bank of the River Morrope (Union of the rivers Motupe and the milk), this city suffered a flood in 1983, but more often the morropanos suffer from droughts and insufficient water for the agriculture.
Morrope surrounded by hamlets of extreme poverty, where the majority of children have no help, it is for this reason that Lazos de Ayuda Foundation made delivery of school supplies for the children of the hamlet of Cartagena of the I. E 11192, 40 students of this institution received Notebooks, Pens, pencils colors, rules and other useful supplies that will help in the process of their school education for this year