Christmas EVENT 2014 ATLANTA

August 15, 2024

On Sunday, December 14, 2014 in the facilities of Salon San Jose of the Church Catholic Mission Our Lady of the Americas in coordination with the consulates General of Peru in Atlanta and the Peruvian organizations: Brotherhood of the Lord of the Miracles, Brotherhood of Saint Martin of Porres, Lazos de Ayuda Foundation and Peruvian American Medical Society organized the second Christmas of the Child Jesus in Atlanta Georgia,

The Christmas celebration began with the words of the minister Mr. Miguel Luís Martín Alemán Urteaga, Consul General of Peru, who together with the representatives of the institutions: Mr. Ruddy Arroyo of the Brotherhood of the Lord of the Miracles, Roddy Padilla of the Brotherhood of San Martin de Porres, Maritza Castro of Lazos de Ayuda Foundation and Dr. Elma Mera Steves of the PAMS They thanked the union in this love event for the benefit of our children.
The presence and spiritual words of Dr. William Eyzaguirre, who invited Ms. Milagros Andrews to lead the prayer and Mrs. Olinda Padilla to give us the concept of Christmas.
We had as a master of ceremonies Mrs. Ana Maria Culverhouse, who narrated the history of the birth of Jesus.
In the Christmas children’s Show by Chirley Scarboro and Luis Pereyra “clown Panchito”, Victor Antonio Garcia “clown Peluquin” drew smiles and awakened all the magic and joy of Christmas in the faces of children and adults present. The children of Peruvian families painted faces with Christmas motifs for the children attending.
A beautiful presentation of John Zorrilla’s music workshop, the children who are part of his workshop gave samples of his learned musical art.
It was attended by the voluntary decorative artistic participation of Mr. Jhonny Ipanaque and the Montalvo family. It saw the union and the joy of the Peruvian children with the representation the birth of the Child Jesus.
The event had baskets donated by Ms. Dolly Paquita, Toys donated by Ms. Edita Brito and Dr. Elma Mera Steves.
Presentation of the Christmas Carol of the girls of Miss small Peru, coordinated by Mrs. Ruth Sánchez. This way we conclude the Christmas of the child, hoping that next year more institutions will unite. Romans 14:17-19 because the Kingdom of God is not food or drink, but justice, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. He who serves Christ is pleasing to God and is approved by men. So, let’s follow what contributes to peace and the mutual edification.