About Us

Maritza Castro was born in Lambayeque, in the north of Peru, and at an early age she migrated to the United States, where in a few years she managed to create her own company based in Atlanta. The harsh economic conditions that she lived in her childhood turned her into a woman with a great altruistic and visionary sense. She founded the organization Lazos de Ayuda in 2008 with the mission of executing shelter and protection programs for low-income children and families in northern Peru. Her mission and vision has been to provide education, health and spirituality so that children and their mothers can develop cognitive skills, artistic skills and receive health support. The foundation is aimed at forming values and principles, ensuring that the interior life and the environment of individuals is pleasant and with a projection of constant development. The Peruvian community leader is working on new projects from Atlanta, Georgia, to Peru, through a work that seeks the support of companies so that together in joint work they can break down obstacles and cross borders in favor of the most vulnerable and, most importantly, see smiles and hope in the faces of the families.
Since its creation 14 years ago, Lazos de ayuda foundation seeks to promote solidarity in favor od minors in Peru in situations of vulnerability. This vision is channelled through three foundations: Edutation, Health and Spirituality.
Lazos de Ayuda foundation seeks to incorporate and execute more sustainable solidarity programs for children and families. Through the contribution of sponsors, companies and collaborators committed to their shortcomings and needs; It is our mission to eliminate barriers and gaps generated by economic hardship.
Generate income for the well-being of children across all areas. Promote ongoing solidarity among philanthropic individuals to aid impoverished children in northern Peru. Organize fundraising events dedicated entirely to supporting programs for underprivileged children.
Support educational standards and the optimal training of children in the school stage.Provide tools for students in crucial stages of their learning through workshops that help them create, develop, grow and better adapt to society.
Ensure the physical, mental and social well-being of children from populations on the threshold of poverty. Certain communities have been identified as low-income families that are exposed to consistent levels of malnutrition and illnesses related to their critical socio-economic condition.
Encourage the spiritual wealth of children and their families. Motivate the quality of your inner life by feeding your enthusiasm, faith and hope in a better future. Generate for them, an inclusive and peaceful environment with greater possibilities.
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