Health Campaign and Donation of Medicines in the Caserío de Sinchiwal Incahuasi, Lambayeque, Peru – July 2010
The professionals in the field who accompanied us on this occasion were in General Medicine Dr. José Terry CMP 56984, in Pediatrics Dr. Víctor Burga CMP 18809, Dr. Verónica Vallejos CMP 54451 in Gynecology, a Lic. In Nursing and a Nursing technician.
The Health Campaign was made possible thanks to the Great Family Anticuchada Event on Saturday, June 19, held in the City of Atlanta.
Nearly 300 Quechua speakers among children and adults, that is to say almost the entire population of Sinchiwal, received medical attention in the Health Campaign carried out on July 24 and 25 by the Lazos de Ayuda Foundation.
In the community of Sinchiwal, located in the district of Incahuasi, in the Ferreñafe province, located in the department of Lambayeque in northern Peru, at more than 3,200 meters above sea level. With the inclemency of the climate and the limitations in terms of amenities, we still fulfilled our mission. In an environment enabled two different spaces, one for general medical care, pediatrics and a pharmacy, and the other for care in gynecology. People approached from different fields and were immediately taken care of by the technique that instantly generated an admission report where all the patient’s data was recorded.
The report in General Medicine by Dr. José Terry CMP 56984, when evaluating patients reported that the population mostly suffered from purulent pharyngitis, cough with phlegm. Also, many people presented dermatological problems with allergies and fungi in the skin, as well as problems in the ear and dental presented across most people. Regarding the back pain, pain in the lower back was another case that prevailed among the residents, because in many cases they carry their children and the wood on their backs. Another of the disadvantages found, although in a smaller amount in affected male patients, were related to the urinary tract and joint problems.
In Pediatrics Dr. Víctor Burga CMP 18809 indicated that the most common diseases found in children were intestinal, respiratory and skin-related parasites. It was also observed cases of moderate mild malnutrition, mainly due to intestinal parasitosis and its carbohydrate-based diet. The doctor also noted the consumption of soft drinks of dubious origin created issues.
Dr. Verónica Vallejos CMP 54451 specialist in Gynecology received in consultation approximately 100 women between 13 and 70 years of age. The results showed urinary tract infections and vaginosis, puerperal infection, as well as pharyngitis and acute bronchitis in the diagnoses. The issue to fight in general is the parasitosis in the population.
Everyone received the medicines recommended by the doctors at the pharmacy free of charge. When there was a remnant of medicines from the boxes that were taken away, it was decided with the presence of Lieutenant Governor Mr. Evaristo Manayay, to give them a lot to implement the kit of the Sinchiwal farmhouse.
A talk was given on the most relevant topics in health, such as family planning, the prevention of acute diarrheal diseases and acute respiratory infections, translated into Quechua in real time for understanding.
The commitment of help acquired by the Foundation generated the support of many people, with the need also to reward with a stipend the medical professionals who accompanied us in this task, including a nurse and a technician.
THANK YOU once again to all and to you Christ, beloved father, for continuing to guide us on this path of love, faith and hope