Spiritual Journey and Procession in the Eureka Town Center, Lambayeque, Peru- October 2012
On October 17, month of our Lord of the Miracles, of such significance in spirituality and Faith. Lazos de Ayuda Foundation,
with the mission of promoting the evangelizing culture of our Christian world among the most extreme poor, especially with the children, together with their volunteers, we made a spiritual day and procession in the Eureka Town Center.
This town is located in the district of Lambayeque province and department of Lambayeque in Peru.
The theme was centered in the infinite love of God that forgives all our sins and takes care of us as the good shepherd does, because He is the Good Shepherd. All together we praise our Lord, with chants and praises, and together with the children we made the journey of the SACRED IMAGE OF THE LORD OF THE MIRACLES.
When finishing all the children enjoyed immenely.